Monday 22 September 2008

Summer, what summer

This summer has had one of the least amounts of sun and the most cloud and rain. According to the weathermen it is down to the gulf stream being further south than usual and not bringing us the highs from the Azores. Lucky for me summer coincides with the availability of car parking places at my workplace. Ironically now that I am on the bike again during Autumn the weather is much more sunny and although a touch cold in the mornings. No, I don't believe there is any relation to my cycling and the amount of sunshine.

Dr Bike fixes the problem

Visited Dr Bike outside the Bentall Centre on Tuesday and he managed to tightened the front wheel using a "cone" spanner which is a really thin spanner that can fit between the wheel and the strut. He tightened until the wheel couldn't move and then dialled it back a notch. In addition he tightened the brakes as well which makes them really responsive.